Camping Vision

Camping Vision

Camping Vision

Over ons

Camping Vision is a Swiss/Danish/Dutch group specialized in the campsite booking market with a European market share that is constantly growing. The company was founded in 2017 as a result of a merger of the well-known brands Allcamps and LuxCamp, as well as the Danish brands DanskBilferie and FriFerie. Currently Camping Vision has partnerships with approximately 1300 top campsites in Europe and 50 camping touroperators. As of 1 July 2023 Camping Vision is also responsable for branding Vacanceselect.

Camping Vision arranges the complete booking process from A to Z for the partner campsites and family resorts including payments and after-sales. With native speaking employees of each language the group is able to provide the best possible service to the customers.

The strength of Camping Vision is to think globally but act locally and with three sales offices in Denmark, The Netherlands and Switzerland there is an excellent knowledge of the local trends, website traffic and Google search volumes.




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